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Dear Remainers

The aftermath of Brexit has left a bitter taste in the mouths of many and personally it has left me feeling rather indignant, not because of the result itself but due to the vilification of the average leave voter.

I myself am a staunch liberal who voted OUT, not because I fell for the callous lies spread by the far-right which were crafted and designed to evoke fear and hatred towards immigrants, but because I came to the conclusion, after serious deliberation and reflection, that breaking free from the bureaucratic shackles of the EU would be a step towards liberating our economy from the clutches of the tyrannical elite, the 1% which governs our everyday lives, and handing back some semblance of control to the people. To then be told I am nothing more than an uneducated Sun reader and typical white van man for exercising my democratic right in the way I best saw fit is total and utter puerile nonsense; the black & white generalisations currently being espoused across the media and social networking sites must stop simply because they only serve to drag down those with good intentions to the same level as the fascists and bigots they so vehemently oppose.

I was educated in Europe, I lived on the continent for a few years and have travelled it extensively throughout my lifetime, I am bilingual and plan on studying for a bachelor's degree come September yet I still voted to leave the European Union. If the current vitriol is to be believed and taken at face value then I am a walking, talking contradiction that flies in the face of these baseless accusations, a paradox. The universe should have imploded when I cast my vote.

This simple fact is this: things are not so black & white, as much as we would like the world to be a simpler place, the reality is that the mind-frame of the electorate during a referendum such as this is far more nuanced, intricate & complex than the simple view of the unenlightened versus the educated and anyone who still believes otherwise is consciously choosing to practise elitism and therefore proving just how naive, simplistic & immature this mode of thought is, in other words, not the type of person who immediately springs to mind when the time comes for serious political and philosophical debate.

This result has left us in a political no-man's land, a ship adrift at sea without a captain at the rudder, and with it comes the opportunity to elect a government that will stand up and fight for the working classes and the marginalised, I daresay countless immigrants would count themselves amongst these ranks as well. Now more than ever is a time for unity and cohesion between communities to ensure that the right kind of government ascends to power and that UKIP and the Tories are held at bay. This is the nation's best chance in decades to show solidarity and rail against big business & big government, to show them that we've had enough madness to last a lifetime.

So long as we play our cards right & stop whinging like a bunch of mopey teenagers, this could very well turn out to be the big break the left has been so eagerly awaiting for so long.

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Henry Jack Piper - 
Occasional Blogger.
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